
Clearly if you’re reading this, you’re interested in finding out more about me.
Good. The first thing I’ll tell you is that I have no idea what to tell you. I’m pretty much regular I guess. I think really highly of myself but I don’t see anything wrong with that because I think it’s important for everyone to think they’re really great. Unless you harm animals for pleasure because then I think you need to reevaluate your outlook.
Anyway, I’m almost 17, am blonde with blue eyes and am still unsure whether IB was the worst decision of my life or the best. Of course I’m assuming the only people that are reading this are other people in IB here, so you probably know that. So let’s dig a bit deeper.
I googled “Get to know you dating questions” and will answer them here because I think that could be funny maybe.

Question #1.) What makes you smile? A lot of things. One of the things that’s guaranteed to always make me smile though is seeing a dog. I genuinely love dogs so much that when I see one I can’t help but grin and that sounds so lame but they are so frickin cool.
Question #2.) What’s your favorite movie?
I really don’t like this question because I genuinely have no idea what my favourite movie is. You can ask me about movies and I’ll probably not have seen it. I don’t know why but movies just don’t really interest me. That being said I think I’ll go with Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, either part.
Question #3.) If there is any place in the world that you could go, where would it be and why?
I really, really want to go to France. I have such a weird affinity for France and French culture and I don’t know where it came from. I’d love to live in Paris for awhile and in other French cities. I got a book for Christmas called “Best Kept Secrets of Paris” and I would like to see those for myself.
Question #4.) What’s your family like?
Big. I have 4 sisters and 1 brother. We’re all pretty spread out in age and I’m stuck right in the middle.
Question #5.) What about yourself do you find the most pride in?
I really try to care about other people. That sounds really weird but I’ve fine-tuned myself to other people’s emotions and I try my best to be able be empathetic and I’m really proud of that.
Question #6.) Have you ever cried at a movie?
Not since I was like 8 years old but fun fact, I read The Book Thief last year and cried at the end of it while home alone at someone else’s house.
Question #7.) What’s your favorite car?
I know absolutely nothing about cars so I don’t want to sound like an idiot by trying to answer that.
Question #8.) What is your favorite food?
This is seriously one of the hardest questions to answer. I love food so much and there’s all kinds of delicious food out there like pizza and bagels and pasta and anything full of carbs pretty much. It definitely depends on my mood what my favourite food is, like right now I’m craving yogurt so badly.
Question #9.) What was the scariest moment in your life?
Alright story time. When I was younger I was very prone to getting distracted. My best skill was getting myself separated from who I was with and not noticing until I was quite lost. So, one day I was in Victoria with my family, and we were taking the city bus from my aunt’s house into downtown (which to this day I still don’t understand the reason for. I mean there were more than enough cars for us to drive there). After we had gotten off the bus, we were walking around the streets. I was with my older cousins, brother and sisters, and found myself admiring something in the window of a store. After my 10 year old attention had been caught onto something else, I turned around and noticed that I was no longer surrounded by familiar family faces. Immediately I started panicking because I had no idea where I was and didn’t know how to find my family. Sticking to my wits though, I sat down on a ledge and started to formulate a plan to get back to my aunt’s house when I was approached by a woman probably like 35 years old. She asked me if I was alright and whether I was alone or with my family. Being 10 and naive, I told her I was alone and needed help and she offered to bring me with her. She was friendly and had a warm smile and I was just standing up when, in a moment of divine intervention, I saw my mom running towards me. Suffice to stay, I was made to stay with my mom for the rest of the trip. I still don’t know if the woman was genuinely trying to help me or kidnap me. It’s not necessarily the scariest moment of my life, but it was pretty terrifying.
Question #10.) Who was your first crush?
I can’t remember exactly because my memory is probably the worst part of me, but it was probably in kindergarten and I was probably suave as heck about it.
Question #11.) Who is your biggest hero?
I’m going to be honest, I omitted a lot of questions from this because they were dumb or irrelevant, but I saved this one because I think it’s a really interesting question. My immediate thought is to say my mom (she saved me from a potential kidnapping) or like Batman or something, but -prepare for the Sadie eye roll- I’m going to say myself. That sounds really narcissistic I know, but I mean I’ve been through a lot and overcome it and I’ve had all these experiences that have made me really self-aware and proud of myself.
Question #12.) What are your favorite hobbies?
I don’t really have a lot of hobbies. Pretty much every moment of my life is taken up by either school, homework, work, or, my favourite hobby, dancing. I dance competitively and it takes up a lot of my time so I’m not really able to have more hobbies, but I love it a lot and really enjoy doing it so it’s worth it for sure. 

Wow that was really long. If you read down to here give yourself a pat on the back because that was big ol’ glimpse into my brain and it’s impressive that you read it all.

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